Our Mission

Whether you are single or moving your entire family, We help make your move to Costa Rica a smooth transition.

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Mon - Sat 7.00 - 19.00 CT

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Testimonials - Costa Concierge
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Costa Concierge / Elements / Testimonials

Happy Customers

“I have personally witnessed how dedicated Kate has been in getting this company up and running. Her energy is contagious and she will work hard for each and every customer! Your success is her goal!!”

Amy Fachko,
June 2021

“Kate has worked hard and steady over the last 4 years to develope her business plan and put it into action. So proud of her success and ability to help businesses grow, prosper and help individuals follow their dreams and do what they love.”

Marie Ingram,
Canada, May 2018

“Kate was very helpful researching immigration and business options for my family in Costa Rica. Her advice was more helpful and valuable than the advice I had previously received from 2 attorneys. I recommend anyone who is thinking about starting a business or moving there contact her first.”

Chris Noles,
USA, October 2019

“I would like to recommend based on my personal experience, Kate was extremely helpful and knowledgeable, always on time. She helped us with our new business. Thanks Kate for everything.”

Karen Booker,
Israel, March 2020